工作经历:抢庄牛牛-抢庄牛牛规则 教授
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获奖情况:  2007年获得全国优秀博士学位论文奖励;2010年入选中山大学卓越人才计划;2011年入选中山大学合生珠江优秀青年教师。




学术论文发表在Journal of Philosophical logic, IJCAI,LORI等重要国际学术刊物与学术会议、以及中国社会科学等国内刊物和文集。


Hu Liu and Xuefeng Wen, On formalizing causation based on constant conjunction theory, The Review of Symbolic Logic, vol 6-1, 2013. pp. 160-181.
Hu Liu, Comments on Baltag, Christoff, Hansen and Smets, in Studies In Logic, Vol. 47, the Proceedings of the Conference of Logic Across the University, Foundations and Applications, 2013. pp. 433-435.
Hu Liu and Xuefeng Wen, Effect learning by constant conjunction in a temporal structure, 逻辑学研究,Vol. 6-3,2013. pp. 1-15.
Xuefeng Wen and Hu Liu, Logic Aggregation, in LNCS 8196, the Forth International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, 2013. pp. 282-295.
Hu Liu, Yuan Ren and Xuefeng Wen, Simulative belief logic, Journal of Applied Logic, vol 11-2, 2013. pp. 217-228. 优博 基本 省社科 Sci
Xuefeng Wen, Hu Liu and Fan Huang, An alternative logic for knowability, in LNAI 6953, the Third International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, 2011. pp. 342-355.
査非,刘虎,状态相似性与流量限制模型,逻辑学研究,Vol. 4-2,2011. pp. 1-19.
Hu Liu, An extension of ATL for model checking causality, Studies in Logic,Vol. 2-4, 2009. pp 1-15.
Hu Liu, A cooperation logic for declaration structures, in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5834, Second International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction, 2009. pp.189-197.
刘虎,交互时态逻辑中的因果关系,逻辑与哲学,学富文化事业有限公司出版(台),pp113-125, 2009.
刘虎,开放系统中智能体竞争的时态逻辑,中山大学学报,vol. 48-22008pp112-118.

Hu Liu and Shier Ju, Two-dimensional awareness logic, Journal of Philosophical logic, Vol. 33-5, 2004. pp. 481-495.
Hu Liu and Shier Ju, Belief, awareness, and two-dimensional logic, in Proceedings of 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-03), 2003. pp 1113-1118.
Shier Ju and Hu Liu, The logical structure of open sets, in Logic and Cognition: the Progress in Logical Study in China, eds. Shier Ju, Social Sciences in China Press, Beijing, China, 2003.
Shier Ju and Hu Liu, A three-valued logic based on open-world assumption, in Proceedings of the Conference of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science of National Research Project, Tsinghua University Press, 2001. pp 507-516.
Hu Liu, A comparative study of the traditional concepts of set, Journal of Sun Yat-sen University, Vol. 20-2, 2000. pp 44-50.


目标驱动的无穷合作博弈研究,国家社科基金,18万。(No. 13BZX066)2013-


2012年3月-2013年3月 访问学者,美国斯坦福大学计算机系。
2005年5月-2006年5月 博士后研究员(Postdoctoral Fellow),新南威尔士大学计算机科学与工程学院人工智能系,澳大利亚。
2003 年9月-2004年8月 Alan Ross Anderson博士后研究员(Alan Ross Anderson Postdoctoral Fellow),匹兹堡大学抢庄牛牛 ,美国。